Over the past few years, I’ve been compiling a list of sites where you can ask for or provide services in exchange for pay. For example, if someone needs a wedding package of items designed or their taxes done. Or you can tout your services. In case you’d like to make some additional money while in transition or if you are a freelancer and would like to proactively seek customers, I wanted to share these sites…
- fiverr.com
- freelancer.com
- gigmasters.com & gigsalad.com (more entertainment & event services)
- guru.com (you can post your job or search for best fit vendor for you, but I didn’t find many workers with feedback last time I searched)
- moonlighting.com
- snapknot.com (wedding photographers)
- takl (home related labor)
- taskrabbit.com (home related labor)
- thumbtack.com
- upwork.com (absorbed elance.com & odesk.com. You can search for the best vendor for you. I got 25 proposals after posting my last job there!)
- weddingwire.com (wedding-related vendors)
- xplace.com
Please comment if you know of any others!