Perseverance and hope

Don’t give up. If you are down today about your job search, take a few minutes and call a close friend, relative, or pastor. Don’t be hesitant to lean on someone for encouragement. And sometimes it helps a lot to just have someone to listen. I think one of the key things in life is helping others. Allow someone to help you today, and don’t forget to see what they might need to lean on you for!

Never lose hope.
Never lose hope.

It gets better

I’m thankful to have a family that is so thoughtful. My aunt emailed me a big group of these sayings on several different topics, and I wanted to share the two I think are most relevant to this blog. Be it challenges with your current job, looking for a new job, children, spouse, looking for a spouse, relatives, health or whatever, keep this in mind.
Your Present Situation

Having faith isn’t as easy as it sounds

This poem by former homeless woman Mary Branson was originally printed in the August 1st 2013 issue of the Nashville-based Contributor newspaper. Since I found it, I’ve had the privilege of talking to Mary a few times on the phone, and she has such a heart for helping people. How applicable the topic of faith is to our job search and having a positive outlook that we are going to land the right job!

To believe when there is no answer
To see purpose in the tragic
To envision the possibility of God
To endure as pain demands

To accept unwanted loss
To affirm life fully
To flee not death
To see treasures in each moment of being

To shut all doors to despair
To unite the broken pieces of life
To dare to live again