Failure Vs. Goals

Daniel Rodriguez quote
photo by Doclam

A few months ago, I ran across the quote above in the cover story “The Life of Man” from the October 2013 issue of Esquire magazine. There was a photo of each man and a brief blurb about him. Most were asked about the best advice they’d ever received. Daniel Rodriguez’ caught my attention. Even after let downs, defeat, failures, or whatever else may not being going well in your job search, life, family, etc., what a great thing to keep in mind.

This article (“Moving On After Failure”) I found not long after via LinkedIn is along the same lines, and I wanted to share it as well. What or who keeps you motivated in your job search? How do you change your attitude or squash that pity party when you get down?

Bargaining with your current employer

Why not to use having found a counter offer at another job as a bargaining chip with your current employer:

Watch the brief video here: How To Deal With Counter Offers (video)

Have you ever leveraged an offer from another company to get a raise at your current job? (I have not but got a job where someone use the position to stay with her current employer at a higher pay rate.)
If so, how did it go with your current employer, or did you end up taking the new job?

Photo by Rick Broussard at Flickr

Improve your networking skills

Book cover

It’s because of Dave (and a seminar I attended last year) that I now have my own blog and am endeavoring to add content–working toward inviting followers soon.  While at a networking function this week, I learned a little more about Dave.  He is well travelled, and I enjoyed hearing his story of backpacking across Europe years ago.

Networking is his passion, and he’s made a point to share his knowledge through this book.  He practices what he preaches as well, because he made time to have a networking meeting with me around the time that I ordered his book.

He details his method of one on one networking meetings over coffee.  You’ll learn about numerous helpful and interesting web sites, blog tools, and tips for “working the room” when at an event.  Database best practices and options, the importance of listening, crafting an effective business card, and information on organizing events are also included.  He endeavors to make it an easy read and keeps it as light as possible with as informative and thorough as the material needs to be.

Like with most books, even though all of the content will not be relevant to your intentions and use, you will learn quite a bit about the aforementioned topics.  What I absorbed about Twitter, blogging, and LinkedIn are the most valuable takeaways for me.  If you would like a current source written by an expert from which to study more about these topics, I would recommend this book.

More Information/Order Link
Learn more about Dave Delaney