College Students: Why You Should Do An Internship While You Can

intern, internship, internships, student, networking, career, planning, preparation, college, university
Photo by Geoff Duncan

Being a student fresh out of college in this day and age is more challenging than ever. I worked summers and during Christmas break during college because I needed the money as I’m sure all students do. And I coveted my study and free time during the semesters and never did an internship.

Although most are unpaid, an internship is one of the best ways to meet, work and network with movers and shakers in your field of study…not to mention giving hiring managers a taste of the great work you do and your reliability, creativity, and work ethic. Side note, at least here in Nashville, I know frequently that there are actually more companies wanting interns than there are students wanting to intern! Go supply and demand!

Students should do an internship at one of their top target companies if they can afford the opportunity cost. If you need to work a paying job during college, try doing the internship the summer before your final year. Or better, consider interning during your last semester. Make sure to contact the companies you’re considering in late summer to check if a Spring-only internship is an option, since some may only offer a Fall+Spring option. This way you won’t be blindsided and miss the boat on a great opportunity.

You’ll get firsthand real world knowledge at a company ideally in the department in which you’ll be working once you graduate. This could help you have an advantage over those applicants unknown to the company and earn you a full time job after graduation. Even if you are not hired on after, a reference from your manager as well as opportunities to network during the internship can be valuable tools in efforts toward a solid first job. You could meet someone at another company that may end up hiring you down the road. At worst, you will be able to start building your network.

You seasoned folks, what other advice do you have for forward-thinking college students on preparing for a career? Please comment.
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Cast Your Vote For The Title Of My Book!

Hello to all my subscribers. Thank you for your interest in this topic and for sharing this blog with your friends in transition. As you probably know, I’m writing a book about job search best practices and would like your input as I choose the title. Visit this web page to take a quick 1-question/1-minute survey and participate:

The survey closes at 5pm CST Monday 9/1/2014. Thank you for your input, and have a great weekend.

Smarter than the Disciples

Are we smarter than the Disciples from the Bible? Faith and career transition go hand in hand. Realize that God cares about this season of your life. Faith, hope, provision, care, encouragement, job search, transition, Jesus, doubt, disciples
Photo by Caulton Morris

I don’t think I’ve yet mentioned why this blog sways spiritual. Losing your job is one of the most significant negative events you can experience. To say the time between then and landing your next job is a challenge, is an understatement. Since most of us draw the majority of our identity from our work, a season of job searching can break you down to the core of who you are since you don’t have a traditional job. (I can’t say you don’t have a job since looking for your next position is quite a job!)

This time will cause you to question yourself. You will have your fair share of pity parties and may experience depression. Career transition–even if you DO have a job now and are seeking another–is rarely easy. I always say it’s a season that can turn you to God. Not to bash anyone, but I don’t know how those who don’t have a personal relationship with God (and have him to turn to) make it through the process. Scripture, my friends, the literature I read, and being able to be real, raw, honest with, and dependant on God give me strength during these periods of career transition.

Recently I visited Crosspoint Church here in Nashville. The pastor’s sermon that day made me think of one of those “Ah ha!” moments I had during grad school. My Sunday School teacher, Brent Funderburke, was amazing. I even had him as a professor for a watercolor class one semester.

One Sunday our topic was how Jesus fed five thousand people who came to hear him speak. Mark 6:30-44 talks about how the disciples were incredulous as to how they were to accomplish Jesus’ directive to “give them something to eat.”

I thought, “Pfff, these guys! Just a few chapters back, they watched Jesus calm a massive storm on the sea, heal a demon-possessed man, and raise a girl from the dead! Here they are worried about some food, and they can’t even think outside the box to ask Jesus to use his power to help them.

Then it dawned on me…don’t we do the same thing?! We can look back now at the times He provided (sometimes not like we expected or wanted), pulled us through, healed, encouraged, etc. but still allow exactly the same kind fear or myopia to settle in.

The morning I visited Crosspoint, Pete, the pastor there, told the story of how God brought he and his pastor friend to listen to and encourage a woman on the beach in the Dominican Republic. (You can read his story at this page of his blog.)

Tears welled up in my eyes when Pete drew it all together and made his point. Even though there are, have been, and will be millions of human beings on this earth and even though sometimes we feel like He has turned a deaf ear to our plight, the God of the universe notices, hears, cares, and acts. Yes, even all the way down to you and your situation.

So, be encouraged. Don’t forget. Stay connected—if you have a church home, don’t neglect attending during this time so He can encourage you. Read the book He gave us.

A great book I’m reading, broken out into daily sections, is Rick Pritikin’s Why Did I Lose My Job If God Loves Me? His writing is transparent and uplifting, drawn from his own experience. I appreciate the stories he includes from his difficult season of career transition. You can click on the image below to check it out at Amazon.

Blessings to you in your search. Keep up the hard but good work. Use your time wisely. Keep a positive attitude—it will show! Be thankful about the good things and what you have, and press on.

A friend sent me this prayer he ran across, author unknown, so I wanted to share it in closing…

God, our Father, I turn to you seeking your divine help and guidance as I look for suitable employment. I need your wisdom to guide my footsteps along the right path, and to lead me to find the proper things to say and do in this quest. I wish to use the gifts and talents you have given me, but I need the opportunity to do so with gainful employment. Do not abandon me, dear Father, in this search, but rather grant me this favor I seek so that I may return to you with praise and thanksgiving for your gracious assistance. Grant this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.